Sunday, 14 November 2010

Candy Poem (Inspirational response) by BrokenPenWriter

Candy Poem (Inspirational response) by BrokenPenWriter.

Lost paths sought
on the black
balding page
of blog
this stage
where words dance
your words
memory's trance
a chance
to catch the train
that, once missed
may never return
but might
some night
in the coal black
light of sweet London
where Candy kissed
your soul.


See more great poetry on

See the original Candy Poem BrokenPenWriter responded to:

Personal note: I cant say how much it means to me to know that i have inspired someone - it feels more than great or greatness itself. Thank you very much BrokenPenWriter.

Spare change please.

I used to give what ever I had in those loose pockets of mine
the little would make you smile,
or motivate you to blossom again.

So you wouldn't have to bear those despiteful stare
as you ask for spare change.
so that your coffee would warm your chest,
so that you could get by another day.

Until i saw you walking your dog
into a house...
holding cans of beer, and grocery...
this is a trickery of sight, I think?

Unbelief made me watch you for one week
or so:
as you came out of your house
and went to work, sitting there
pleading for spare change
upon my deaf ears.

Though you probably counted for
a small percentage,
my compassion fled to the unknown,
a rock pumps the cells through my veins
and a blind eye i give
these days.

Can I find my faith

Shaun Gordon aka Donusho 14/11/2010 ©

Picture from Adam Dustus, OneShotPoetry (one shoot sunday photo),

A small note:
I am aware that not all homeless people are out there to deceive or make money just so they can get another fix. I have spoken to some homeless people and they actually admitted that this is a chosen lifestyle for them. Though this is not true for all as everyone situation is different.
The above poem is a personal experience of my mine and I wanted to express how it made me feel, think and delve into how it effected my attitude.
Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010


Young and foolish so we were
can you remember
as our eyes greeted with giggles
'Yo boy!?'
screeching in front of me
of your gigantic mountain bike frame
making you appear inferior
on the exterior, definitely an
emperor disguised.

Hazel eyes they were and varnished oak wood brown complexion,
holding shelves of books like competitiveness, complications, confusions,
compliments, discontentments, ambitions, amusements, intelligence... argumentative,
and i read them all eagerly,
repetitively and devoutly
as though you were my religion.

Disputes and bruised ego's
where did it go? I tried to follow
the crumbs it has left behind, leading to a wall of mist
which distracts the train of thoughts to a halt
on the last station, bear and empty.

Wish I didn't throw her number away
I regret missing you
Save me from this crushing dismay
i hope to cross your path some day
would you even rememeber me

Faithfully yours,
A Lost Friend.

Shaun Gordon aka Donusho 27/10/2010 ©